

Heyyyyy hi so basically if you couldn't tell by the website this is my own personal blog. NOW I know your next question is why don't I just use a different website instead of hosting my own where NOBODY(probably) will ever see it???? Well tbh maybe you just don't worry about that okay? SO onto businesss! What am I actually documenting here?? other than the thoughts of the greatest person ever (me, obviously) well right now marks the first(ish) day of working on my upcoming million dollar game! Here's a pictureee

So okay maybe it isn'ttt in the best state ever but look it's gonna get better okay??? just give it time I promise, I'd tell you what the games about but thats a secretttttt, okay so yeah thats basically it so i'll see you all (of which there are many of you) tomorrow for more of my refined and wellborn thoughtsss ;)